Monitoring you 24/7 to keep an eye on your heartbeat
iBeat was first revealed earlier this year and has piqued the curiosity of many including the likes of TV personality Dr. Oz.
Now the iBeat Life Monitor is heading to Indiegogo on 29 September – the campaign page hasn’t appeared yet. You can pledge $99 for the wearable which is 70% of the final retail price and includes the first year’s fee for monitoring.
Read next: More on iBeat with our chat with Ryan Howard
The new partnership with Dr. Mehmet Oz is, according to iBeat CEO Ryan Howard, the doctor’s first major backing behind a health product. Dr. Oz – host of the Dr. Oz Show and a cardiothoraciac surgeon at Columbia University – has invested in iBeat and is working as a special adviser.
The wearable hasn’t seen any major changes since the last time we spoke with Howard. The device is still focused on checking your heart rate and quickly sending out a call in the case of non-heart related emergency like a fall, car crash or burglary.
24/7 monitoring allows the company to keep an eye on heart rate anomalies and if iBeat detects something, the user is contacted. If the user does not reply, iBeat will call dispatch and notify emergency contacts letting them know where the user is if in transit.
Similarities to Life Alert have been pointed out, but Howard says, “Our watch itself is super stylish, and is targeted those between the ages of 50 to 70, who haven’t fallen.” However, after the initial announcement, he says there has been a lot of interest from people who fall outside that age group and welcomes anyone with a heart condition to pick one up.
The device is meant to look fashionable while remaining functional and as Howard puts it, “won’t look like a dog collar.” iBeat has turned to Ammunition Group – which has worked with Beats, Microsoft, Polaroid and others – for help in designing the look of the wearable to make sure people will want to actually wear it.