Make It Great campaign kicks off and new demo video hits the web’s Puls “computer on your wrist” has been priced up at $399 and you can apply for one now – it’s not a general release at the moment.
“We would love for everyone to have a Puls,” reads a statement on the application page. “But we want to make it great before doing just that.”
In the application you have to say how you will use your Puls, in 80 words or less and you can include a 20 second video as well.
Wareable reported earlier that a second generation Puls is scheduled for launch early next year will come in two versions; one similar to the prototype unit and one more like a Nike+ Fuelband-style device. We’re told this version will be offered by both AT&T and O2.
A new demo video shows the Black Eyed Peas front man browsing and listening to music from the Puls, using a mixture of gesture and voice controls, making calls, and also sees him sending and receiving texts with the tiny keyboard which, we’re assured, is easy to use once you get the hang of it.
The voice controls are powered by the Puls’ Siri-rival, called AneedA, and even shows us that he can dictate a tweet to her and have it posted.
However, the tweet he composes: “I’m tweeting from my wrist I bet you other watches can’t rock it like this” is deciphered and posted by AneedA as: “I’m tweeting from my wrist I bet you of the watches can’t rocketlike this” – they probably should have checked that before posting the video.
There’s also plenty of flickering on the Puls’ display but that’s most likely a refresh rate issue with the recording, rather than a problem with the device itself.
What do you think? Are you excited by the Puls? Let us know using the comments below…